Wednesday, January 13, 2010


There are few things better than homemade bread...warm and fresh from the oven...flaky-crunchy on the outside, soft and spongy on the inside...and the smell! Oh that yummy, goodness-to-the-core, comforting smell.....


I've been feeling sooooo GOOD these days -- no more nausea, lots of energy and sometimes I even forget I'm preggers...until I look in the mirror...or bend over to pick something up.... My belly is rather large and getting bigger every single day. But, I'm not hungry all the time and I'm not eating NEARLY as much as I was a couple weeks ago -- which is a very good thing.

Since my OB and some mothers of twins have told me this will most likely be my last month of feeling good, I have been frantically getting one heckuva lot done.... I think I have been able to get more done in the past three days than I did the entire last three months! I just wish I could feel like this the rest of the pregnancy...but I'm thinking that might be too much to hope for as a momma with two growing babes inside her belly. I am sure enjoying every second of it while it lasts, believe me! And feeling the babes kicking and rolling around inside me simply never gets this stage anyway (I may feel a bit differently when my belly is stretched to the max in a couple months!).

1 comment:

Shannon Gish said...

this is my first time visiting your blog site. it's as wonderful as I anticipated - and I swear, I can smell that home made bread from here.