Wednesday, January 6, 2010

all is well....

The results came back from my amnio and I am very relieved to report that all is well. The babies are as healthy as can be, with all their chromosomes in perfect form and their heartbeats and growth perfect and absolutely everything going well. Yippee!

(what better way to represent my joy than my girl's smile...she fills me with joy every time I look at her pure, happy face)


calibosmom said...

YEAH!! So glag to read that all is well. I'm sure you had a five minute sigh of relief. Can't wait for those cuties!!!

loony said...

So happy to hear that! Grow, babies, grow! Can't wait for more babies to hold! :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Amy! I had no idea! What a surprise to have 2! You are due 3 weeks before me, but you wn the prize for the largest tummy! Good luck. Michelle Tuck