Sunday, January 3, 2010

happy new year!

We've begun yet another decade. SO hard to believe.... I swear it was yesterday that it was 1990. Yes, so very much has happened between now and then, but man, time sure flies.

I don't have any goals or resolutions for this coming year. I simply hope for two healthy babes and to stay as sane as possible in my sleep-deprived months ahead. Those are the only two things I am focused on right now in this beginning of a new year -- and they are always on my mind. So I guess I do have two goals for the year...although they are somewhat out of my hands as to whether or not they will/can be accomplished:
1) two healthy babies
2) be patient and kind in my sleep-deprived state (patience and kindness seem to disappear when I am sleep-deprived. Not a good thing for a mommy...or a wife...or a friend, daughter, sister.......).
That's it. If I can accomplish those two things this year, I will truly feel like it is a blessed year. Here's hoping.....

And here's to two full days of GORGEOUS snow falling these last two days of vacation with Mr. Incredible and my two kiddos. I didn't take one picture while I was in Wisconsin since we did nothing but sit, eat, sit and eat. No joke. No pictures worth taking during such a non-eventful, but relaxing (so relaxing I think my muscles have atrophied), time away. These pictures represent my feelings of excitement from this past week...they were all I was inspired to take on these gorgeous days of snowfall while I was getting my life back in order after being away.

Nothing exciting, but peaceful and still, which is nice once in a while. Hmmmm...peace and stillness...two more good things to hope for in the new year......(although maybe not QUITE to the extreme of this past week....)


calibosmom said...

Glad you are back! We went for a nice long walk in the woods today. It was beautiful.

Emily said...

I'm so happy to hear about your tests! So good, so good! Well, I join you in your desire to remain patient in a sleep deprived state. I am 5 months into sleep deprivation and I will say the body does get used to it!