Sunday, March 8, 2009


Wee sprouts coming out of the earth. Melting snow. A daffodil. A tulip. A bright sunny day with a touch of warmth. Daylight savings "spring forward". Easter. These are all the first signs of spring.

In the Kappelman home, this is the first sign of spring:

The Mad Farmer/Scientist at work with his seedlings.....

Yes, those are tweezers and some teeny tiny seeds.

You have no idea how very, very happy this man is right now.

This is only the beginning my friend....only the beginning.

For the next 6 months, I will be a "farmer's widow". Ba bye Mr. Incredible. See you next fall.


carie said...

i love the stubble.
Too busy... can't shave. Wish you guys lived nearby so I could get some pointers.

calibosmom said...

Spring my butt! I'm glad he is planting...that means good food by you!!! YUM!

Kristen Wilde said...

Hey Amy!!! I'm so excited about finding your blog! I had no idea you had one. I just started some seeds indoors too - but only enough to grow on my balcony, and in low-tech paper cups on the window sill. And I've never done this before, so I just have to hope it works.
Anyway, I'm going to go read like your whole blog now so I can catch up! I miss you and I'm sorry I haven't kept in touch. Please come and visit us in blog-land too -