Monday, February 8, 2010

mom my ride

So...I've finally officially entered the world of being a "true mom". My ride has been mom'd.

I gots me a new cah in my garage, yo.

No sense in even trying to be "cool" anymore. It will be just another minivan in the parking lot of a school, park or grocery store. *sigh*

Goodbye Volvo. *sniff*sniff*

My static-haired girl was even sad...although, that girl will cry over A N Y T H I N G. Seriously. As I've mentioned before, the girl doesn't hold back when it comes to whining and crying. She was actually crying because she would "miss having a light in the back seat". Yep, das right. That's what made her cry. It truly doesn't take much to make her lose it. Good times for mom.

Ba bye Volvo.....

(This truly does feel surreal...I honestly and truly never, ever thought I would have four children let alone a minivan.... This is all seeming to feel less and less real to me rather than moreso. Hmmmm...I'm not sure that's a good thing.....)

If you haven't seen this video already, you gotta check it out. So dang funny.

1 comment:

calibosmom said...

Its...ummm...GREAT! You're gonna love it and the kids will too. All that room to move around will be priceless! Minivans are the new Porche, didn't you know?