Tuesday, October 28, 2008

we be jammin'

Last week my "Project of the Week" was turning grapes into jelly and juice. The four of us picked two boxes worth of grapes at a friend's vineyard, and then the real work began....

Here are the sweet delights before their transformation:

My wonderful wee helpers are picking the grapes from the stems:

While working so diligently, Soren said, "Mommy, this is a LOT of work just to get a drink!"

Here is the "processing phase" of straining the cooked grapes through cheese cloth for the incredibly delicious jelly. I think it took about a week for the purple to leave my fingernails...and I am still finding juice splatters on my kitchen cabinets.

The finished products! With Soren expressing exactly how I felt...very tired of canning. But boy do I have some YUMMY jelly and juice to enjoy -- and share!!

A huge shout out of thanks to my friends for sharing their grape harvest!!

1 comment:

carie said...

you can send me some of your grape jam.