First, there are the decorations. After I put up mine, he put up his:

AC and Soren with heart faces and Soren is giving AC a valentine.
He drew a part of the picture, cut it out, taped it on the wall, then drew another part, cut it out, and taped it on the wall, and so on..... I was very impressed that he kept everything in the right proportions.

He later cut out and added a heart from a Valentine his Nana sent to him.

The proud artist...who wanted his sister in the picture with him.

I love Soren's face in this picture.
When I heard that his pre-school was giving out Valentines...well I'll tell you what...I jumped on that there bandwagon and made those pre-schoolers some valentines.....

"Valentine Heart Pops" I have been just itching to make -- cookies with candy heart centers.

Aren't they pretty?

Especially with the light shining through....

I made lots of 'em -- he has 30 kids in his class!

He of course had to make the valentines (I can't steal ALL the fun!).

The valentines were completely his design -- with no instructions from me.

Yes mommy, I'm getting my 30 valentines made...!

And this is how they turned out -- I mean come ON....are these cute or WHAT????

I am SURE those pre-schoolers appreciated everything about these gifts of love.... The joy (and love) was in the making and the giving -- and that is all that matters.
oh those valentine suckers are so cute, especially with the lopsided hearts taped on. I wish i was in Soren's preschool class.
Those are just SOOOOO cute! I'd ask how you made them, but don't want to even think I'd be able to make them! We were going to make chocolate lollipops but Matthew said he didn't want to - quite a little party pooper!
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