Wednesday, July 25, 2012

my boy is 8

A big birthday for my big boy! Lego cake (iced on a very humid a bit droopy), a few friends, lots of water gun fun for the boys (and wow -- boys in packs are out. of. control.) while Anna Clara and her friend stayed away...except during cake and gift opening.

Now back to the busy-ness of my summer.... This summer has been non-stop busy. Like crazy busy. Mostly because of two crazy -- like whacked out, off the charts, Terrible Two Crazy -- two year olds and two older ones who need and deserve a lot of attention. Four kidlets now 8 and under make all the gazillion comments from strangers about how busy I must be when they see me with the kap kids absolutely spot on. And, as I say to all those strangers, "Yup. I'm busy! And I love it!"

1 comment:

Duy Nguyen said...

Happy Birthday, Soren.

Can't wait to see you guys settling down in Lake Forest.
