Thursday, May 19, 2011

a spring moment

It has been so rainy and yucky outside for what seems like months (but really only a week), and I've been so overwhelmingly busy with who knows what (lots of doctor and vet appointments for one...), I had to take a moment to share some of the beauty that grows in my remind myself that it truly is spring....

(I usually don't like to 'doctor' my photos in any way, but this tulip -- the purple one in the center -- seemed to call out, "Look at me!" and that shout-out wasn't as 'loud' in the photo, so I helped out a bit.)

(Can't you just smell these??)

These beauties are glorifying my yard because of this man...

...who works very hard to take care of it...

...and who is now planting for our summer and fall harvest....

We've already enjoyed some of the yummy asparagus.

Oh how I hope we will see the sun again soon so we can do more of this....

...and less of this....

(typical moment for my boys...Niels letting it all out and Anders just hangin' out)

...and please oh please MUCH more of this....

Sun...where did you go? We sure miss you. Not much sun outside makes for not as many sunny faces inside.

However, I do want to thank you rain for feeding those beautiful flowers and making a nice bath for my birds....


Shannon Gish said...

Thank you for the reminder... yes it is spring. Beautiful shots of your garden - flowers and kids included.

cheryl said...

March, April & May showers bring...finally... some flowers! You ALL are abloom in glory. And papa looks mighty proud on the John Deere, too...