Sunday, May 15, 2011

party #1 for 2

We had a wee party for our wee one year olds.

It was real casual...just the way I like my parties!

There was lotsa love to go around.

Daddy dressed up in his Packer best.

I made lotsa Oreo cupcakes (this is only half of them)....

There are half Oreo cookies on the bottom of each cupcake. YUM!!!!
(Remember I made Oreo cookies the day I went into the hospital to birth them that's why I made these kinda cupcakes.)

The boys devoured them (who wouldn't?).

A favorite funny face.

The "three-finger-suck"...his own little sign language to let me know when he is hungry or tired. He just finished dinner and a cupcake, so he is very tired.

My proud one year old boy.

Just a couple pics of me 'n my boys so you can see for yourself I survived my first year with twins...and I'm still smiling. This was a "grab-my-moment" photo at the end of a very long day, so we all look a bit tired...but that's not very unusual for the three of us......

We had ourselves one heckuva good first year together. I felt lucky every single day of it. The past year was so much easier than I imagined it would be...but that's not saying it wasn't as difficult as you know it was. I have a feeling the next two years are going to be much more difficult. They still are not walking...or even crawling, so they are still basically immobile. They are pretty mellow little dudes. I often wonder if this past year was the "calm before the storm"....

I'll keep you posted on that.


The Mom said...

How Beautiful they are. One already. I can't believe your beautiful little girl is 5, I can't believe it's been almost five years since we have seen you.

You are an awsome MOM! I have not figured out anything you do not do. All you do is really good.

Say Hello to your Big Farmer for us. Love to you and yours.

calibosmom said...

Looks like a great 1st birthday party. I'm gonna have to get that cupcake recipe-YUM! Happy Birthday to your cutie boys-love em!

cheryl said...

I knew there'd be some sort of celebration, Amy-style, and those amazing cupcakes did NOT disappoint! Happy, happy, happy birthday to those delectable towheads. You ALL are gorgeous!

Kathleen said...

All I can say is thank you Amy for taking time(where do you find it?) to show us such wonder and beauty,starting with your children,your farmer and the bounty of the harvest of flowers to date....a mouthful I know but this was a treat for me and brought some moments of smiles and joy! God Bless you all.