Wednesday, January 12, 2011

snow day!

Our first real blizzard and snow day of the winter! Yippee! Oh how we love snow days!! Here's a lil summary of our day....

They were fed, dressed and had some sledding time in before the usual time of the bus arrival. Too bad I can't get them going that fast on a school day.....

It was SO very windy!

Them are some red cheeks and ears! Evidence of the cold, blustery day....

Some of my favorite moments of the day were seeing my lil ones get dressed AND undressed AND hanging up all their clothes all by themselves....oh what a nice relief for me!!!!

See how high the snow is mommy? (This was repeated several times throughout the day.)

She loves snow ALMOST as much as her mommy. Almost.

Can I come in now? Please?

No hot cocoa for these snowbirds! They wanted ice cream cones after sledding!

Hangin' with the babes....

Doesn't everyone make chocolate chip cookies on a snowy day?

The ultimate comfort food. So much yumminess for our day of hibernation. (A little too much yumminess...I ate one heckuva lot of these.....)

Anna Clara doesn't understand that the boys go on the mat, not the toys!

Nuthin' like a hot bath at the end of a cold, snowy day!

Ok mommy, do you really need to take a picture of me like this?

We ended the day with another comfort food -- chili!! Pork and black bean chili....YUM!!!!


calibosmom said...

Looks like a great day!

Pedaling said...

Looks like you made the most of a blistery snowy day. The cookies look delish. awwwe poor doggie!