Saturday, June 26, 2010

our first beach day!

Summer is finally here.... No more school for my kindergartener...

On his last day...coincidentally wearing the same shirt he wore on the first day!

...and lots of hot, humid days that keep me in a constant pool of sweat in my un-airconditioned home. Our first "Friday Beach Day" (I meet some friends and their kidlings every Friday for some beachin' fun) of the summer was a welcome reprieve from my daily marathon in my hot home.....

Their first day hangin' at the beach. Nothing like the fresh, salty, warm air for a good long nap!!

What I see while I nurse my boy on the beach.

Talkin' to the seagull.

How lucky am I to live so close to the beach??!! Who knew New Hampshire had such nice beaches??!!

1 comment:

The Mom said...

You are so awe some out to the beach with 4 children two of which are twin babies. Rasberries to boot you probably made jam or something as good with them.
Amy you have always amazed me.

Give our love to all the family.