I decided not to fool anyone today (it's just too close to being a reality that I would be birthin' babies...I didn't want to freak everyone's freak too much) and nobody fooled me (although that's very hard to do since I am rarely fooled on April 1st since I rarely forget the Fool's Day...being the fool I am....). BUT, I decided to at least do something silly and fool-like and have breakfast for dinner (which I know a lot of people do on a regular basis, but we never do).

Pancakes for dinner! I put sweet potatoes in the pancakes just to have at least a wee bit of veggie with our meal -- but the kidlings didn't know that! They're used to it anyway since I almost always put sweet potatoes in our pancakes for an added vitamin boost...or sometimes I put mashed bananas, or pumpkin, and almost always add some flax seed or wheat germ for good measure. I don't consider myself a health nut, but if it's easy to add just a bit more nutrition to something I'm making -- and it doesn't effect the quality and taste so much that it is dry and tasteless -- I add it.
And speaking of eating...I had yet another first in this pregnancy. I had one of my many doctor appointments today and, for the first time in all my three pregnancies, the doctor asked me if I was eating because I hadn't been gaining any weight! Now this may not be a big deal to most mommas since most mommas don't gain 5 to 10 lbs. every time they visit the doctor...but it was a huge deal to me! I never thought I would hear that from my OB!! So I celebrated by eating every dang thing I could get my hands on when I arrived home. I ain't kiddin'. Not that I have been holding back on eating -- believe me (which is another reason I was completely astonished that I hadn't gained any weight!) -- but to hear that I actually hadn't gained weight after eating as much as I have been, well now what better way to celebrate than to stuff your face with all the chocolate and goodies you can find in your kitchen?! I'll have to celebrate some more tomorrow by baking some cookies......
Since I of course finished off the ones I had baked earlier this week.....
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