Time is precious.This is a quote we hear so many times throughout our lives. When we lose a loved one unexpectedly and all too quickly, those words somehow become almost tangible. One of my very favorite quotes -- almost a constant mantra in my head really -- is:
The most important thing you can spend on your children is time.I would like to add "parents" to that as well.
The most important thing you can spend on your children, and parents, is time.My Mr. Incredible lost his dad this past Thanksgiving Day. He lost his mom five years ago this December. Nuthin' like the death of a loved one to put the busy-ness of the holidays in perspective.
The picture above was taken on our wedding day. It is my very favorite picture of Jim's parents. I am beyond grateful that I was able to meet both of them and spend some -- although not enough -- time with them. I at least got to know them and understand what kind of parents raised the man I married. I hold parents in the highest regard -- even before I became one. I am so very sad to not be able to spend more time with them.
As to what happened...Jim's dad was supposed to fly out (from Wisconsin) to our home for the week of Thanksgiving. Instead, he went into the hospital for a bladder infection three days before his flight out here. He had bladder infections fairly regularly as he was run over by a tractor (he was a farmer) about 20 years ago which caused many physical complications -- bladder infections being one of them. It was so routine and nothing out of the ordinary for him to go to the hospital for such a thing, that, frankly, I didn't think much of it. However, this time was his last trip to the hospital. On Thanksgiving Day his body simply could not handle any more complications. Our much anticipated time with him for that holiday week never happened and he was never able to meet his new twin grandsons.
(I was particularly looking forward to seeing him hold Anders as I have said since he was born that he looks just like his grandpa.)
So...there is a bit of a dark cloud over our home this holiday season. It has certainly slowed down our pace and priorities amid the holiday frenzy. I know I, for one, am focused more on spending time on the needs of my husband and children than on gifts......or anything else for that matter.
I hope you are able to spend plenty of time with your loved ones this holiday season. There is no more precious gift than that.